Meet or dine among among exclusive vintage cars
Cady Cars in Ypres is an unexpected venue for events where you are surrounded by more than 50 exclusive vintage cars.

Cady Cars
Cady Cars in Ypres is a venue without equal! Here, you will find more than 50 highly exclusive and rare vintage cars displayed in a beautiful setting. The ultimate backdrop for a seated dinner for up to 200 people.
In addition to the three halls with historic vintage cars, you also have the choice of other spaces, such as the "Passion for Cars" lounge with comfortable Chesterfields and a library full of classic car books. Or what about the “Opera Terrace” with the authentic “Brasserie Mylord” and a view of the French hall full of magnificent cars. Or would you prefer the fairground hall with an authentic 1953 carousel? Cady Cars is also an original and stylish setting for meetings. There is a perfectly equipped meeting room, with showcases full of miniature cars, historical memorabilia, and an adjacent bar.
So, are you looking for a very atypical location full of nostalgia? Cady Cars in Ypres warmly welcomes you!
What makes this venue unique?
A stunning venue for meetings or events amongst highly rare vintage cars.

Overzicht van de mogelijkheden
Cady Cars in Ieper is een unieke locatie met meer dan 50 exclusieve oldtimers tentoongesteld in een prachtig decor. Het biedt een nostalgische omgeving voor verschillende evenementen, waaronder vergaderingen, bedrijfsfeesten, conferenties en productlanceringen. De locatie beschikt over diverse zalen, waaronder een aparte vergaderzaal voor maximaal 50 personen, met autominiaturen en trofeeën van Cady Cars. Daarnaast zijn er drie zalen voor zittende diners tot 200 personen, waaronder de Franse zaal met zeldzame Citroëns en de mogelijkheid om een dansvloer en champagnebar toe te voegen. Het terras "Opéra" en de aangrenzende "Brasserie Mylord" bieden een capaciteit tot 50 personen met uitzicht op de oldtimers. Er is ook een kermiszaal met een authentieke kermismolen en een zaal genaamd "Passion for Cars" met prachtige auto's zoals Rolls Royce en Ferrari. Cady Cars biedt ook een VIP Limo Service met luxe auto's, waaronder Bentley en Cadillac, voor speciale gelegenheden.
If you use all three halls in total, you can accommodate up to 200 people for a seated dinner or lunch. If you would like to include a dance floor, the capacity is approximately 160 people.
Yes, there is a fully equipped meeting room with a capacity of 50 people in theater style and an adjacent bar for coffee breaks with a view of the vintage cars.
Yes, the collection of Bentley, Rolls Royce, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Citroën, etc. can be visited by appointment with a minimum of 15 people. The price per person is 15 euros. Additionally, each visitor will receive a 10 euro voucher that can be used for the purchase of the beautiful book 'Passion for Cars' featuring the unique collection in words and pictures by Thierry Dehaeck. The visit concludes with a complimentary drink.
You can rent one or more halls, and Cady Cars can create a personalized package with catering. They collaborate with external professional caterers for this purpose. If you prefer, you can also work with your own caterer. Cady Cars has a fully equipped kitchen.